interview: Bryleigh from A Little Yarn Blossom

Bryleigh is one of my good blogger friend, always ready to help with anything. Bryleigh ask me on Twitter (when I had one) if we could to something together and guess what? Here we are. ;)

Can you give a intro about you and your blog? 
 I am a redheaded blogger, business owner, and the oldest of six. My blog is my space that holds my thoughts, creativity, and all around liveliness! 

Tell us what got you into blogging?
I have a friend who I met on a knitting and crocheting website (Ravelry), and I saw that she had a blog. I checked it out and saw what she did, and I instantly knew that this is something I need to do. 

How old is your blog? 
One year, five months, and sixteen days!

Did you ever change your blog name? 
Nope, I've considered it, but ALYB is a part of me, and changing the name doesn't feel right to me. 

Do you have pets? If you do, tell us!
Yes! I have a beagle named Bella, who you'll see occasionally on the blog!

Thanks Bryleigh! Check out my side of the interview here! :)

till next time,


  1. Thank you for interviewing me, it was so fun!

  2. Bryleigh is one of my favourite bloggers! :) This is a great interview! Bella is so cute x


  3. Bella's adorable! :D And I have the same opinion of changing blog names as Bryleigh!

    xoxo Morning


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