Anna Updates | Issue 4

As you may know, my life isn't that exciting. I rarely leave my house and if I do, I go to my local library. Living the teenage life ya'll. :D Anyway, I wanted to share some personal updates today and I hope you enjoy my rambles.



The most exciting (and weirdest) update: I'm finally emo! It's taken me so long to enjoy the emo stuff. I've been a contemporary, music lover and I'm usually a flexible person but emo has never fallen under my category.  It's confused the internet, my friends,  - it's been a major identity crisis for me. Like, one day you could find me listening to Twenty One Pilots and wearing all black. But then the next day, you could find me listening to Florence and the Machine and wearing a nice skirt. I can't really be labeled haha.

BUT emo! works for me now. I discovered an emo video on YouTube and I fell in love with the bands Pierce the Veil and Bring Me The Horizon. I guess I was looking in the wrong direction *glances at the emo trilogy*. So I know I'm behind on the memes and it's probably not a good thing that I can relate to this music genre but I'm weirdly happy. I've also discovered kpop, techno and classical music too. Music has been my Cloud 9!


rip everyone with allergies

As I'm writing this, it's currently 81°F and 27°C. This?? Isn't?? Spring?? Welp. Anyway, I've had a few miscellaneous events happen to me. My family and I celebrated Easter and Mother's Day. Both contained wonderful food and I saw baby chicks + ducks at one point. I also have a real plant in my room! I have 4 fake succulents and one real baby cactus. It's smol, soft and named Simon (inspired by Simon in Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda aka my favorite contemporary book ever). I love him & glad he's still alive (hopefully!!!11!). And I have this strange urge to rewatch Big Hero 6? Like, okay but why @ myself. Does anyone want to come over, watch Big Hero 6 and have ice cream with me haha.



If you follow me on Instagram, you may have realized that I am on a hiatus ... IT HURTS. This "no inspiration/motivation" thing is killing me. Like, I want to try outdoor photography (because I think my indoor photography sucks right now) but all the work ...  I can see myself sweating, trying to get the lighting correct, making sure the book is in the right position, the buGS. The stress™ ya'll. But I miss taking pictures, enjoying bookstagram, chatting with others about books - it used to be my life ok. I know, I can focus on other things now but I still want to cry. 


let's get one thing straight: emma watson slayed

The hype around Beauty and the Beast is basically dead at this point but that doesn't mean I can't share my thoughts on it. I was so hesitant about seeing this movie (in theaters) for a few reasons: a) so the curse that had all of the beast's servants into non-living things was cute and funny ... as a cartoon. seeing them in real REAL form looked extremely creepy to me b) lowkey sick of disney oops and c) one thing i was interested in seeing was Lefou, who is "openly" gay in this newest adaptation. bUT after reading some articles and intense research, i was disappointed to find that his sexuality wasn't open and people didn't agree with his outcome as a character.

SO *weeks later* my friend drags me to see the movie and overall? It was okay. Acting was good, along with the animation (so pretty!!). But I found the songs to be loud and obnoxious in the theater. And, as I feared, the servants were creepy, still sick of Disney and Lefou WAS NOT "openly" gay. I am glad my friend enjoyed it tho, I can be quite critical with movies haha. Quick movie rec: If you're looking for a good, action, diverse, A+ plot movie, try Power Rangers. I was very satisfied with the new reboot!


steven universe is such a cute, aesthetic, funny and important cartoon get some ice cream and watch it asap

And finally, my last update (for now) is to recap my summer plans. The ALA conference this summer is still up in the air. I registered to participate in a panel (Best YA Fiction 2017) back in February and I've heard nothing back. Notifications were supposed to be made May 15th so ?!?!? No idea. I am going to be practicing driving this summer and I'll be taking my schooling up a level. Still volunteering at my library and I'll be supporting them in the parade. So yes! I'll be in a parade this summer woop. Hopefully, my family and I will start geocaching again aaaannnddddd maybe I'll be reunited with one of my oldest friends this summer. 

Book wise, I pray to attend two book signings. One local and one with two of my favorive authors! I would also like to preorder some books, treat myself with merch and reAD OF COURSE. And blogging wise, I want to spruce up the old blog here and get new content up ASAP. PLUS I may host a giveaway sooner or later and participate in Twitter chats because I suck at them. Can someone please remind me thank you?

Hello bookaholic! Such a long update post I know. I had lots to say haha. So, now chat with me: What's your favorite movie (so far) this year? Are you emo? Oh! Also - everyone spam me with music recommendations!! I would love them. <3

 photo Anna sigh off _zpsldolpi09.png


  1. 2 out of 3 from emo trilogy works for me, but I somehow can't get into MCR's music xD I haven't really listen to Pierce the Veil and Bring Me the Horizon, so I really need to take a deeper look haha. I also have mixed feelings on Beauty and the Beast, I mean I love beast and after seeing the movie it made me happy, but the more I think about it the more unstatisfied I become. So yeah. I guess we are black sheep here.

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. I understand! It took me YEARS to enjoy MCR's music. You must! I fell in love with PTV and BMTH. <3 Ahhh yep, I guess so. :P

  2. I kind of want to see Beauty and the Beast, but so many new movies (Guardians of the Galaxy 2, POTC 5) that are higher priority for me are coming out soon/have just come out. The best movie I've seen this year is by FAR Hidden Figures - if you haven't seen it, I'd totally recommend it. It's phenomenal. Your Name is also a really sweet mystery + romance anime movie. I actually have a goal to watch 12 movies this year - I'm a little behind right now, but I do plan to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail this weekend!

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

    1. My friend just saw GOTG 2! She loved it, she said it was better than the first one. Ahh yes!! I must watch Hidden Figures (it's very high on my movie list). Your Name sounds cute! I'll have to check it out.

    2. Sorry to bump into your conversation but watch Hidden Figures because it's so good and it's just incredibly empowering and it's just... you have to watch it right now!!!

    3. No worries. I will .. I promise!!

  3. There are so many good movies out... but don't be ashamed to watch Big Hero 6 again! My brother and I last year, from Janurary through March, watched the movie every Saturday movie because Starz would show it around the same time every week. xD (So, fluffy baby and Wasabi's scream cracks me up).

    I really hope the rest of the summer turns out well for you! And speaking of Beauty and the Beast, I really want to run a potential post collaborative idea over with you for the summer which (since you're a define movie goer and read a ton of books) would go super well together. xD I'll message you tomorrow morning!

    xoxo Abigail Lennah

    1. I know right?! Haha thanks, I should plan a Big Hero 6 movie night. :D

      You too! Ooo sounds fun, I'll look out for your email then.

  4. I think I consider myself more alternative than emo nowadays, but a year ago I was full blown emo. I still haven't abandoned the all black and music, though, and I don't think I ever will! But I understand the whole identity crisis thing when you don't feel like you necessarily fit into one specific category. Anways, I am TOTALLY up for rewatching Big Hero 6!! I haven't seen it in ages and it is SO GOOD. I just adore Disney movies, even Beauty and the Beast, although I do agree that Lefou should have been portrayed as openly gay. Also, I REALLY want to try outdoor photography, but the issue always is I'm so awkward and afraid people outside will judge me when they see me taking book photos....

    1. That's cool, I still love the alternative genre too. Yayyy! Always nice to find another Big Hero 6 fan. :D THAT'S MY FEAR TOO AHHH. I really wonder how other people do outdoor photography ...

  5. I don't have a particular stand out favourite movie of this year but I can safely say that I adore the TV show Jane The Virgin which is just the flipping best! Lovely post Anna!


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