sixteen & alive

*dusts off the cobwebs* HELLO BOOKAHOLICS! Remember me?! Good old Anna who loved YA books and wouldn't shut up about them? Yeah, I'm back. 😘 My December hiatus went on much longer than I expected it to, but don't worry, I'm back for good.

I was supposed to be back blogging in January. Yeah... I kinda died?? I had just finished my two semesters in hell public school and I was free as a bird. It was winter break and, for the new year, I wanted a fresh look for annaish. New pictures! New blog design! New year, new me am I right? I really wanted the absolute best for annaish. I was sick of writing TTT posts, dumb updates, and my own boring writing style. I was losing my unique touch and that. was. scary. So your girl created this masterplan. On January 1st, I was going to arrive with a new blog design, fresh content, and brand new photos (ones that i actually liked!!). But that never happened because my winter break was terrible. 

My winter break was filled to the rim with intrusive thoughts and insomnia. I was constantly tired and just sad man. I didn't have the strength to sit down and work on my beautiful blog. Time passed and I was so mad at myself. "What happened? I'm done with public school... I can actually do the things that I love?" It took me awhile to understand (because I'm an idiot) but I raise the bar way too high for myself. Creating 👏 that 👏 deadline 👏 really 👏 hurt 👏 myself. So I took a step back. I didn't touch my blog until I was mentally ready. In the meantime, I started reading, drawing, and took an English course. It was really hard to leave annaish sitting in the dust but it was for the best.

SO YEAH. I ran into some personal issues but I'm so happy to be back I missed blogging and y'all so much and oh my god I'm going to cry. 🤧 As you can see, I do have a new blog design! I'm still working on some new photos (the weather SUCKS here okay) but I have new, exciting blog posts coming. Here's what you can expect from annaish now:

• Me using emojis in a sorta sarcastic manner

• More discussions!!!!!! Ranging from "what's the deal with problematic books?" to "fantasy vs contemporary books"

• Hand drawn headers featuring me and books 

• Better user accessibility for my disabled friends

• More reviews (w/ trigger warnings) and photos

• Posts specifically about LGBTQ+, #BlackLivesMatter, #NeverAgain, Women rights - STUFF I BELIEVE IN AND SUPPORT. 

My god, I almost forgot about my birthday. I recently turned 16 (AHHHHHHH) on March 7th and it was a pretty good day! My family and I went out for lunch and traveled to an art museum. Sorta had an existential crisis for a little bit because I'm actually 16 wthhhh bUT IT'S ALL GOOD. Shoutout to my friends for the birthday wishes y'all so sweet!!!!! 💓💕💖💗💘💞💝

I plan on updating my social medias very soon, but my main focus right now is annaish. I encourage you all to explore the new annaish! I have new (updated) pages and, of course, the new design (plus a new domain!!). From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for reading this. I remember being really discouraged at my stats and low follow count for while but you know what? I'm finally happy with my blog again and I can't wait to share posts that actually mean something to me. Love y'all!!


  1. I literally saw you update your blog online and I frantically ran out and screamed "OH MY FREAKING SHISH KEBABS MY BABY CHILD IS BACK IN THE BLOGGING WORLD ASDFGHJKL!!!" Anna I am LEGIT excited for all of the posts you have planned!!! Seriously??? The blogging world has been super devoid without your light and just cinnamon roll-ness?!?!?! Also BRING ON THE DISCUSSION POST BECAUSE ALL THE THOUGHTS.

    xoxo Abigail Lennah

    1. ABIGAILLL!! I'M CRYING YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT KEEPS ME GOING. 💓💕💖💞💝 Me too! Omg wow I never knew I was a blogging icon 😭

  2. Welcome back Anna, and happy belated birthday!! I was actually wondering about you the other day, good to see you’re back and making positive changes!!

  3. Welcome back to blogging! You are such an amazing person..glad I know you IRL too ;) I'm proud of you that you do what you love and do it that WAY you want.

  4. Happy belated birthday, and welcome back Anna! I'm so glad you feel better now, I hope everything will be well from now on, and I can't wait to read more of your posts! Also, I love your new design, it looks so fresh 💖

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. Thank you so much, Tasya! I really glad you enjoy the new design 💕 (it's still a work in progress but whatever :))

  5. Ahhhhh Happy Birthday!!! Excited to see more posts from you. :)


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