Fruit Fly's?

Ugh Fruit Fly's. Have you heard of this tiny bug that follows EVERYWHERE in your house? Well sadly I have. It all started when my family started I compost.
We have this small bin with a top (thank you people who make is bin) that is in the kitchen. Its was going great all the compost was going to the bin, then gets dumps outside in our woods. But then our tiny neighbors move in, The fruit fly's. Ugh they are SO so annoying!
 Now whenever you going to drop compost in the bin like 20 fruit fly's fly out at your face. Man its so annoying. I just had to drop that off my back. Oh! something homeschooling here, I finish my PowerPoint for Vitamins.
 Its was very griping, I thought it was pretty cool. But I don't think can show you on a post. Ugh. Oh and its has be rain like hours in my town. So yes, my day so far is not ever griping to rad but whatever. 
Oh before I log off here, I have been listen to is song ALL day. Its so good! 

Give me that title, title
Come on give me that title, title
Better give me that title, title
Come on give me that title, title

-Logging Off



  1. Awesome post! I hate fruit flies too!

  2. Sweet post. :)

  3. I hate fruit flies, annoying critters. We used to have a huge, compost bin (not sure what it's called) at the bottom of garden. It had no lid and in summer there would be flies everywhere and it would be near impossible to put the composting it.
    Nice post!

    1. Same here! Just ours is inside and has a top. Thank you Kat😊

  4. Ugh, fruit flies! The most annoying bugs on earth! Lovely post! :)

    1. I'm with you Eve! Thank you too.


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