The Most Important People You've Met Since You Started Blogging?

This topic was giving on Noor blog. So I wanted to writing about it.

The Most Important People You've Met Since You Started Blogging?

The most important person in the blog-land and the real world, who help me start a blog and tells me to enjoy life is my mother. The one who helps me with blogging, life, taking photos, and cooking. I'm so happy to have her in my life.

When I first started my blog the first 2 hours my mom was helping my getting my blog ready for family to see. She also helps me with designing my blog now, grammar, editing photos and the list goes on and on. She helps me outside of the computer with taking photos, homeschooling well sometimes!, girl problems and much more. What I'm trying to say here is that my mom is the important person in the world. Blog-land or just the real world with real problems. She been with me since I started blogging. First new design, first real post (not about the tooth fairy) and always tell me that blogging is not about comments or showing off  how thin someone looks, its just for you to write with love and fun. 
Now one of the first bloggers that I started reading is Hello Cathy. Cathy is just writing what is on her mind or life. Which I love. I love reading about  people who just talk about their life. That's what I think about blogging, just write. I'm so glad that I started blogging I have learn so much. got to meet new people, coding, DIY's and the list go on and on. So to answer the question, my mom and people who just blog to blog!

-Logging Off

This is a challenge on Noor's blog for a feature on Blogs By Kids, I'm had so much fun doing is! Means so much to me and my blog.


  1. Great post! It's so inspirational. You'll win for sure! :)

    Best of luck,

    1. Thank you Lily! I had so much fun doing this.

  2. This is such a gorgeous post!:')

  3. Our Moms are really the best <3 you look so cute awhh <3 followed you !

  4. Mom's are the best! I tagged you for the chocolate book tag ;)

  5. I love my mum too! Also, I have nominated you for the Liebster Award:

  6. I think you're so right. We should blog about our life more often...
    Beautiful post, your mom sounds lovely!

    1. Thank you Tane and I'm glad that you think like I do.


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