Can I Live A Happily Ever After? >> Sneak Peek // Chapter One.

-Agh! I'm so so busy! So please forgive me for NOT blogging, okay? Okay.

Ah! I'm writing a n-o-v-e-l! Yes I took a chance, all thanks to Pinterest. I have a stories starters board and I finally got my "gears" working again. I enjoy writing a lot, merely small stories.  But my "gears" stop which makes me stop writing. Grammar hates me. A spelling bee? Never! Have a paragraph with no grammar mistake? Ha! I'm slowly becoming friends with grammar. Anywho, time to show you my sneak peek for my new novel:)

Can I Live Happily Ever After?
Everyone wants to live happily ever after. They want to have a spouse, have kids, and to be safe. In addition, everyone admires to be rich, live on favorite food, and wear nice clothes. But reality gets in the way of a fairy tale ending.  I am Zuri. I want a fairy tale ending just like you. But I can’t. I can’t go to space. I can’t jump. I can’t swing. Why? Because I’m rotating the Earth. Welcome to Earth 2020. The year the Earth is going to explode.

// Chapter One
I wake with the sun rays hitting my pale face.  I roll out of bed to dress and I trip on my violin books. I toss the books on my desk. I pull on a cream pink shirt with white polka dots and some jean shorts. I walk out of my room and see that Sam’s door is open. I tip-toe to her room and see that Sam along with Stella are looking out the window. Within in Sam’s palm is pair of car keys. She dug the keys into her palm and they both giggle. I tiptop down the hallway and stairs. I see that mom is enjoying her coffee. I sigh. Mom looks up from her tablet. “Mom, Sam stole someone car key’s” Mom pushes her tablet away and sighs. “Okay, where is she?” I tell her, “In her room with Stella”. Mom looks confused “Stella?” “Yes, Stella is with her” Mom stands up and starts to tip-toe upstairs.  We need to tiptoe since Sam can hear everything. If Sam hears us, she will lock her door and stay for a week. Yes. We made it upstairs. Now the hard part, this floor is very old.  The boards creek. We tip-toe to her room and peer over her door, same spot. Mom walks in and I walk downstairs with little relief to make some-eggs. I do not want to see Sam get in trouble for the second time this week. I crack two eggs in the dark red pan. I whisper to myself “just like father”.
// To be Continued
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  1. Awesome story! I love it so far. I saw that you filled out my form and I would love to do something with you! An interview swap sounds cool! I am also hosting a Halloween blog party and I would love for you to join me! More information on my blog.

    1. Thank you Noor! I will sent you an email back about an interview. Halloween party sounds fun, checking out!

  2. This sounds great so far! :)

  3. Your book sounds really good so far! Definitely interested now :)

    MJ //

  4. The story sounds really interesting :) Followed you it would be awesome if you could follow me new book blog-

    1. Thanks Asmita, going to check out your blog:)

  5. Hey!

    I tagged you on my blog, check it out! Have a wonderful day. :)

    -Lily | Squishingly | BBK |


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