Let's Recap May

May was crazy for bookworms. Tons of book releases and a lot of book festivals happened. Alas, I was mainly chilling out with my books and blogging which was fine with me. B)


Remember, give me a follow on social media!

+ The cover for Empire of Storms (by Sarah J. Maas) has been released and everyone hates it??

+ There's going to be another Lara Jean book! It's called Always & Forever, Lara Jean. Here's the article.
+ We have a title and cover for the third book in the Shades of Magic series (by V.E Schwab) Meet, A Conjuring of Light
 photo Anna sigh off _zpsldolpi09.png


  1. Thanks for featuring my post! I NEED to read Trials of Apollo soon.

  2. Ah, thank you //so// much for featuring my post!! ^-^
    The A Conjuring of Light cover is so gorgeous. I'm so excited for it to come out (yet also like 100000% fearful that my babies won't be alright).
    I kinda hate the new TOG cover but kind of don't?? Like there are aspects of it that I adore, but something about Aelin's face just kind of makes me cringe.
    I thought I had commented on your meeting Stiefvater post but it seems that I didn't (school has frazzled my brain this month). I'M SO HAPPY YOU GOT TO MEET HER. IT SOUNDED INCREDIBLE + YOUR SWAG IS GORGEOUS. your shirt is also pure perfection.
    I also like JUST noticed that you've put me on your sidebar as one of your favorite reads, and I'm screaming, YOU'RE SO SWEET. <3

    I'm happy you had a good May, and I hope that next month is just as splendid! ^-^

    xx a || Not Gary Cooper

    1. No problem, Adaline! I love the cover for ACOL! <333 Same girl same. OMG THANK YOU!! I had a blast with Maggie. AW ADALINE YOU'RE WELCOME!!

      Again, thank you! Wishing you the best in June, Adaline! <333

    Yeah, the hardback version of Six of Crows is already so gorgeous, but red stained pages seem amazing!!

    I actually like the Empire of Storms cover..what about you??
    -Jollygirl @ Reflections of a Jolly Girl

    1. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOWWWWW!! I'm so ready for Crooked Kingdom. I think it's ok. I never really liked the Throne of Glass covers tbh :/

  4. A Conjuring of Light cover is freaking awesome! It's one of my favorite cover ever :D Also the red stained pages aaaahh!! I really can't wait for A Conjuring of Light and Crooked Kingdom!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. Yes yes and yes! Those covers are amazing arghhh <333 I can't wait either!


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