The Raven Cycle Book Tag

Hello bookworms! I know, I’ve disappeared again and I apologize. I've been meaning to get something up on Annaish but minutes, hours, days and weeks have been slipping through my fingertips - in other words - I've been busy. The library has taken up most of my time (which isn't a bad thing!) but I'll try balancing out my summer tasks for Annaish. Anyway! I found out that Emily @ Paperback Princess did this Raven Cycle Book Tag and I knew I had to give this tag a try. And here you have it! Enjoy!

1. In the books, Maura is the relaxed mom that is Blue’s friend more than an actual mother. Who is your favorite mom character?

This question saddens me because parents aren’t usually found in YA books. They're usually pushed off to the side or don't exist. But we do have Molly Weasley! She was such a wonderful mother in Harry Potter. She would do anything for her children and their friends. I also think that Rosa Hubermann from The Book Thief was a good mother. Rosa was pretty strict but she also would have done anything for Liesel.

2. Adam wanted to go to Aglionby so he could one day escape where he came from. Have you ever dreamt of living somewhere else? Where?

Ooohh yes my friend! My goal is to move to New Zealand and live in a hobbit hole. (when I'm older, obviously) Ambitious one might say, but I can actually see that happening in the future.

3. In the second book we meet the Gray Man. He is a hit man who loves poetry. Name a book that you thought was going to be one thing but turned out to be something else.

The first thing that came to me was Daughter of Smoke & Bone. I thought it was going to have this whole world-building process and it was just going to be this monster but it’s actually has a quite simple plot! Aside from all the info dumps at the ending, I was really pleased.

4. Gansey has searched most of his life for a buried king who is promised to grant one wish. What is one wish you would ask Glendower?

This question is a tricky one. I might ask him a sly question like, "can I have an unlimited amount of wishes?" But then, I might ask him “can you give me the cure for cancer?” or “can I have tickets to go see Hamilton?” It just depends how I'm feeling, I guess.

5. In this series you get to see Greenmantle as a fleshed out character but also as a villain. Name your favorite villain.

I have an unhealthy amount of love for some villains. I sometimes find myself rooting them on? Haha, Oops. Anyway, Astrid Dane and Athos Dane (A Darker Shade of Magic) were very cruel and Amarantha (A Court of Thorns and Roses) was wicked! And we can’t forget Levana (The Lunar Chronicles). She was monstrous. These are just some of my favorites villains.

6. Blue’s got her Raven Boys. Who makes up your bookish team?

Alright, let's do this.

+ Kady Grant (Illuminae)
+ Kell Maresh (A Darker Shade of Magic)
+ Leo Valdez (Heroes of Olympus)
+ Karou (Daughter of Smoke & Bone)

7. Ronan is a bad ass with a sensitive side. What book have you read that was action packed but had beautiful emotional scenes as well?

This question threw me off because the question says: “but had beautiful emotional scenes as well?” And emotional scenes aren't really beautiful? They're usually just... emotional? :/ I don't know man that's just my opinion but I'll go with I'll Give You The Sun. It was more tense than action-packed but it had those beautiful emotional scenes. FYI: I’ll Give You The Sun is a extraordinary story but heartbreaking.

8. Noah has a heart of gold. Who has touched your heart recently?

I'm currently rereading The Scorpio Races and basically the entire book has touched my heart. (again) The characters, the romance, the setting, the races- I mean everything has hit my heart with these... feelings! But that's typical Stiefvater for you.

9. Calla is a woman who speaks her mind and puts her foot down when necessary. Who is your favorite strong female character?

Pick a favorite female character? No thanks. I admire so many strong, confident and clever female characters that I can't pick one. It would be like picking your favorite child or, if you have no children, your favorite… candy bar!

10. Chainsaw is an awesome Raven boy pet. If you could have one “exotic” pet…what would it be? What would you name it?

I would pick a fox or a wolf but I don't know if they're “exotic”. Nevertheless, I would like one of them or maybe both. ;) Naming my pet would be easy. (i'm very good with names) Luna, Corr, Nyx and Loki are some of my favorites names.

I'm tagging...

Adaline @ Not Gary Cooper, Denise @ The BibliolaterErin @ The Book Archive and Noor @ A Little Bit Of Sunshine

Happy Friday! What are you reading today? I'm hoping to reread The Raven King soon but, in the meantime, I'll be reading Me Before You

 photo Anna sigh off _zpsldolpi09.png


  1. AH OKAY SO THIS IS KIND OF THE MOST AWESOME TAG EVER. thank you for tagging me for this, love!!! <3
    xx a

  2. I absolutely LOVED I'll Give You the Sun! It was heartbreaking, but it was so creative and poignant as well. I would totally jump on the Hamilton tickets wish, I just listened to the soundtrack for the first time recently and I'm in love!

    1. Yes! I totally understand you. I now have this urge to reread IGYTS haha. <3 Anyway, OMG YES EMILY!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Hamilton is the best.

  3. I didn't know this tag exists! Molly and Rosa are such a great mother. Both of them are strict, but you know they love their children and family<33 I also would love to have Leo Valdez in my book gang (along with Nico di Angelo)!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. Me too! Until I found it on Emily's blog. I think this tag was created by a booktuber? I don't know for sure. I'm glad you agree with my answers though! Ahhh yes. Nico di Angelo is a fav! <333

  4. This tag shows why I love the blogging community!

    - Edie

  5. OMG Leo, Kady & Karou in a squad would be EPIC! And I agree about I'll Give You the Sun - so beautiful and heartbreaking. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post! <3

    ~ Zoe @ Stories on Stage

    1. I'm glad you agree, Zoe. Thank you! <3

  6. This tag is amazing! Both the questions and your answers are very thoughtful. Molly is one of my favorite moms as well.

    Great answers!

    Sofia @ Bookish Wanderess

    1. Thank you! Gotta love Molly Weasley. ;)


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